Pe parcursul acestui an, Scoala “Tudor Arghezi”(Navodari) a fost implicata in cadrul proiectului eTwinning “Music is the Way of Unburding One’s Troubles” (“Muzica reprezinta modul cuiva de a-si exprima problemele”). Proiectul cuprinde scoli partenere din tari precum Turcia, Spania, Romania, Macedonia sau Italia.
Acesta reprezinta o exprimare prin muzica a problemelor cu care se confrunta societatea contemporana.
Scoala noastra a fost reprezentata de elevele Isabella Guzu si Cristina Holomei – coordonate de doamna profesoara Camelia Popescu-Hriscu.
Muzica este limbajul universal al omenirii.
During this year, the “Tudor Arghezi” School was involved in the Etwinning project “Music is the Way of Unburding One’s Troubles”.
The project included partners from Turkey, Spain, Romania, North Macedonia and Italy.
This is an expression through music of the problems of the contemporary society.
Our school was represented by the students Isabella Guzu and Cristina Holomei – coordinated by the teacher Camelia Popescu-Hriscu.
Music is the universal language of mankind.